Sunday 25 October 2015

October Lovin

You look kinda cute.
I think I like you.

And it's true. October has to be one of my favourite months of the year (after December obv, coz ye know... Christmas!)

When it hits October, you finally begin to accept it's officially Winter, and therefore Christmas (and my birthday) are just around the corner. It's cheerie bye to Summer shorts and skirts and hello to Winter knits and wooly scarves! Here are a few of my favourite things I love about this month...

The leaves falling from the trees look oh so pretty. I love the crisp cold mornings and beautiful warm colours of the leaves clinging for life onto the trees or scattered across the grass. 

Photos from my picturesque autumnal stroll around Sophia Gardens in Cardiff. 


I surely can't be the only one who walks up the high-street or through the Shopping Centre or surfs the net with a head full of outfit ideas and a purse full of nothing?
(Yes, I have an A-list style with a Z-list budget. Don't most girls have this issue?!)
But Autumn has to be my most FAVOURITE season for fashion. Tying in with the gorgeous warm colours, and the transition from Summer still fresh in mind, it's exciting to come up with new #ootd's drawing inspo from the catwalk and the high street retailers. 
I've already made a few purchases of key pieces and I cannot wait to try them out and style them! 
I also surely can't be the only one that's excited about trying out new trends either, right?


Tis the season for a bold lip colour to warm up your complexion now that the summer tan is fading *sigh*.
Berry colours are like, so totally in right now, and if I'm honest I was scared to try one out at first. But some of the colours are so beautiful, I couldn't resist! And it's fun to experiment with colour and come out of your comfort zone every so often. Lipstick isn't something I wear all the time, but when I do, I like to go a bit dramatic, especially with the ol' berry colours this season. 

Current faves: Rimmel Kate Moss colour no. 30
Mac "Dare you"
Revlon "Black Cherry"


For those who know me, I am NOT a tea or coffee drinker. At all!
Shock Horror, I know, but it's true.  
Yet, there is something oddly satisfying for me this month when I have walked to work in the mornings and am finding myself craving tea as soon as I unravel my scarf. I think I have officially turned Welsh... or grown-up? 
I don't know which one scares me most.


This is a given.
Saves you money for Christmas. Saturday night TV got a little better and trying to pick a night-out outfit for the Winter months can be a daunting task. I just want to be warm but look fab simultaneously, okay?!?!
And I'm more of a "legs oot" kinda gal. I don't like covering my 38" inch legs with black tights because a) I can't find any bloody long enough and b) I can always buy fake tan, right? 

Stace x

Monday 28 September 2015

Exploring Cardiff

Cardiff is such a beautiful City. 

I've only been here a week and have fallen in love already. After a long first week at my new job and settling into my house and getting to know my housemates, I took the time on Saturday to stroll around the City myself in the warm Autumn sunshine and snapped a few pics. 

As the Rugby World Cup is ongoing, the City is electric with an exciting buzz... (which continues straight on into the night!) I walked from my house in the arty Canton area and into town and along the embankment to see the MASSIVE Millenium Stadium in all it's architectural glory!
I wandered up St Mary Street which is aligned with a variety of retail stores, bars and restaurants. You can also enter Saint David's Shopping centre and Queen's Arcade from here. The area really is a shoppers paradise! (One which I cannot wait to return to on payday...)

I continued straight on until I reached Cardiff Castle, which has adapted it's walls ever so slightly to accommodate the massive rugby ball crashing into the side of it, to advertise the Rugby World Cup

I walked along Queen Street with more shops and things and decided to move swiftly on before spending my rent on more clothes I probably don't need, but will tell myself I do. But not before purchasing a frappuccino from Starbucks and pretending to be more of a hipster with my Camera in the other hand and mirrored aviators on.

Maybe it was the sun shining, maybe it was the noise of the street crowds or maybe it was the fact I was alone in this vibrant City with my camera, my frap and a head full of ideas, but I cannot wait to see all this City has to offer. 

Hence, that same evening marked my first official Cardiff night out for the Wales v England Rugby match. My housemates, Angharad and Sophie took me to the Old Arcade pub to watch the game along with a few of their friends. The atmosphere was AMAZING! 
I can't even put it into words. I think I was just shocked at the fact I was watching a rugby game and actually enjoying it! And of course I was swept up in the theatrics of painting a Welsh dragon on my face with red lipstick (worth it) and waving the Welsh flag about on a stick about like there was no tomorrow! I was also taught a Welsh song to join in with the whole pub, although the lyrics started to fade from memory with the more wine I consumed, but still. I have adopted this Country as my own for the next few months and I am absolutely loving it so far!

When's the next night out? 

Stace x

 My gorgeous flatmates, Sophie and Angharad x

Sunday 13 September 2015

My Favourite Red Looks

I don't know if anyone's following the 'Fiesta Stylista' Competition via Stylist magazine, but I am and I have major jealousy vibes going out to all the gals who made it to the finals.

Basically, Stylist magazine collaborated with Ford car company as they launched their new Fiesta and created this FABULOUS competition for budding fashionistas and stylists!
The prize was £10,000, tickets to NY Fashion  Week and the amazing opportunity to style the cover of Stylist Magazine. 

Me, being me, (who's always late for everything), spotted it on instagram via a Scottish fashion blogger who I follow on the app. How to enter was as easy as ABC....

1) Upload a picture to instagram styling an outfit around the colour red.

2) Caption said picture with #fiestastylista 

3) Get absolutely everyone you know to like it including yer granny's best pals uncle's cousins's sibling's daughter-in-law's goldfish!!!!

Easy peasy, right?
I wish! First of all, I found out about it within like 24 hours of it ending! And secondly, I don't know enough people to like my insta pic or even like enough people to beg them on social media to like it for 10 grand, a chance to see catwalk shows in NYC or style a magazine cover!!! 

I uploaded one anyway, and managed to scrape together a weak 55 likes, when a lot of the favourites were up in the thousands! One of which whom was the amazing @foreveryoursbetty, a Scottish fashion blogger who actually made it through to the semi-finals! The competition is still on going and I wish the very best of luck to all the girls who have a chance at winning such an amazing prize.

And without further ado, I will now share the mini-selfie-photoshoot I took showcasing "My Favourite Red Looks" (which I done in about 10 mins while waiting for my cousin to come pick me up for a night out!-- Classic Stace). Bearing in mind, I oddly own like 2 red things in my whole wardrobe. I must hit the shops and do something about that...

Skirt + Bowler Hat New Look -- Bodysuit Asos -- Boots Primark 

Dress Missguided -- Shirt Forever 21

Flannel Shirts and Tartan Skirts for the win!

Stace x

Saturday 5 September 2015

So I'm moving to Cardiff...


I'm moving to Cardiff!!!!

In Wales.

I start in 2 weeks.

Until Christmas.

For an exciting new job opp!

As a gal who's lived at home most of her life, (apart from the annual Summer jobs in America and Africa), this is kinda giving me the fear. 
I mean, I know it's only temporary, but like all new things, it's exciting but also quite nerve-racking. It's also freaking me out I have to find a place to live and move into in 2 weeks time. 

At the moment, I work as a TV Production Management Assistant for BBC Children's Scotland. I've worked on various programs for Cbeebies and CBBC over the past year, and before that, done a stint as a runner and trainee Production Assistant on Waterloo Road. 
Without giving you the ins and outs of my CV here, I basically studied film and TV at College and have worked in the media and TV industry ever since, (while still maintaining a side job in Primark, keeping in touch with my fashion addiction!)

Working in the TV industry is fun, but also hard work! Depending on what you work on, the hours can be long and travel is often involved. 
Sadly, for the life of a PMA (me), at the moment the hours are not bad and I don't get to travel much. Instead I'm chained to a desk working on a busy Children's program booking equipment, crew, travel and accommodation and putting all the info into filming schedules for the lucky ones who do get to travel on location.

TV contracts are also quite short and I have to survive on extensions every few months. Not ideal, but I kinda like the fact I don't know where I'll be or what I'll be working on next. Plus, it would be nice to travel the World again soon so it's nice not to be permanent all the time...

Which brings me to the new exciting job opportunity in Cardiff!!!

When my last contract was coming to an end I was doing the old "OMG, MUST FIND NEW JOB ASAP" and applying for everything going in the BBC, (even though I knew I wasn't eligible for it!)
I stumbled across a job opp for an Assistant Producer (which obv I'm not qualified for, but I was ballsy and applied for it anyway), for a new up-and-coming program in BBC Cardiff. 
I didn't really think twice about it tbh, because I was applying for a tonne of jobs. But then I got an extension in Childrens... 

BUT... Last week, they got in touch. I had a phone interview and they offered me the role of a researcher!!!


A researcher role has more creative input in the program, which I would absolutely LOVE!
Being a PMA is good. And so useful to know. But it's not what I want to do forever, especially being a creative person myself- admin and being stuck in an office all day isn't for me. But I had to try it, to know it wasn't for me. 
And that's really what life is all about. Trying various things, seeing what you like, what you feel your strengths are and what skills and talents you can bring to the table.
I still don't quite know what I want to be when I grow up...

But let's give this a go!

Stace x

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Online Shopping Addiction

My Name is Stacey and I am addicted to shopping online.

That felt good to admit. 

I surely can't be the only person who has the likes of asos, missguided and topshop in their bookmarks on google chrome? That even when I type "www." into the searchbar, they all magically appear, as if to say, "Go on, Stacey. Have a sneaky peak. Come see our sale or buy those shoes you've had on your wishlist for ages!"
And then I do!

I can't resist the siren call of the promise of new trends that I feel I can play around with and style to perfection. And it genuinely makes me happy.
I can sit around my house in an old tshirt and underwear, with my hair a mess and no makeup on with a G&T surfing fashion and beauty chains online for hours on end and I will never get bored. 

Speaking of asos, missguided and topshop... I came home from work today and found 3 little packages on my bed from said brands. Sometimes the Postie is just as exciting as Santa!

It's like Christmas morning as I excitedly rip open the package contents, not caring if the items I've bought will even fit or suit me. I just want to see the pretty things and be like that little emoji with the hearts for eyes. 
Let me tell you what I bought...


Daisy Street Chunky Black OTK Boots

Verdict: Have wanted over-the-knee boots for aaaagess, but as a gal over 6 foot, it's hard to find. These are just at my knee, but alas, I've fallen in love, so they're going to live with me from now on. Plus, it's almost back to boot season in Scotland, so these will come in handy. 

Plus-- They're cute, sassy and make my outfit look on point.
And no matter what John  (my brother) says, they are NOT hooker boots!


Missguided has slowly outranked topshop and found a special place in my heart as my go-to for (what we call in Scotland) "night-out-outfits". Aka, if my friends and I organise a night out for the Saturday and it's Friday, I will have a nosey on Missguided to see if there are any smokin' hot new dresses or anything in my wishlist I'll want to nab before it's gone. Next day delivery is a wonderful (yet expensive) thing. I mean, on one hand, yes, I do want the backless red bodycon midi dress for tomorrow, but £6.95 for delivery, really? Oh go on then! I'll begrudge paying it, but I'll do it... But then there's always the chance of me buying it, then 5 mins before I have to put it on, I feel fat or bloated and go with a safety outfit I already have. (#girlprobs).

Anyway, no nights out planned for the weekend so far but missguided do have the "sweet ass sale" on at the mo, so I thought I'd snap myself up some treats to brighten up my Wednesday. 

Supermodel logo cropped tee

Excuse the hamster cheeks, the filthy mirror and the empty photo frames, but this was a steal! A cheeky wee *skydiver for this casual cropped tee! (*fiver). Yes, I have my own vocabulary for things, but don't worry, I'll keep you right.

Next up, Slinky knot front bodysuit in white.

Rather obsessing over bodysuits right now. 
Love how you can dress them up or down, by pairing them with jeans or a pencil skirt, for a casual or smart look. (but in this photo I chose PJ bottoms, which I feel distracts from the bodysuit itself. I know, I know, I'm too cool). 


Unfortunately, the trousers I bought from topshop (the tall section obv) were waaaay too short for me :(
Quite gutted.

And this is the downside to any online shopping addiction.
No matter how much you fall head over heels in love with a pair of shoes or a killer dress, it may not live up to your expectations. 
Sure, ever since you click the "checkout" button, you spend ages fantasising about how you're gonna pair it with this awesome necklace or get your nails done to match or do your hair a certain way for that big event or night out. But when that package arrives and the dress is too short, or the heels are uncomfortable or it just doesn't feel, sit or look right- it can bring you down instantly. (Or mostly in my case, panic about wtf I'm gonna wear tomorrow night now!)

The trousers I bought from topshop tall range were navy, cream and tan striped palazzo pants I was gonna wear with a cream knit crop top and chunky necklace. But as soon as I'd tried them on, the smile faded from my face as I looked in the mirror and felt more like a Clown than a Countess. 

I guess, there's only so much happy online shopping can give us. Seeing an item on the model online, gives us the potential to picture a great outfit in our minds, catered to our own personal style. This sometimes beats seeing the item on a haggered hanger in the shop. Imagery is a powerful thing and I think this feeds my addiction to online shopping.

So if you've ever seen a colleague hit up asos on lunch break for inspiration, or a friend desperately swiping on their phone hoping they can order something for next-day delivery, spare a thought for the guys and gals out there going through this expensive yet exciting habbit. Including me.

Stace x

Monday 31 August 2015

Wardrobe Clear Out

 Let the de-cluttering begin...

As a self-confessed hoarder with hunners of clothes, shoes, books and accessories, having a wardrobe clear out is without a doubt, the most stressful thing ever for a girl like me! Over the Bank Holiday Weekend, I decided enough was enough. It had been a long-time coming and I thought I could get it all over with in one afternoon...
Oh, how wrong I was!

I do have the luxury of having a few classic white ikea drawers and a built-in double wardrobe in my cosy little double bedroom in Greenock. Living at home with mum and dad does have it's pro's and con's:
 Pro- less rent to pay
Con- Only one room is technically entitled to you to hold all your stuff. (Con- my room doesn't seem to do this).
I think Karen would get annoyed if I done a Carrie Bradshaw and used her oven for storage. Although, if I had my own place this is exactly what I'd do. I'm not one for cooking, but that's another story.

Here are some shocking "before" pictures...

Jewellery boxes, bags, art supplies, books and random photo frames. 
Time to sort this out.

At first, I wasn't sure where to even begin. So I eventually decided to pull everything out and sort everything into piles.
FYI-- If you have as much junk as I do, this is NOT a good idea!
You will eventually run out of floor and bed space and find yourself backed into the corner furthest away from the escape route. 

The following is my detailed experience over the whole weekend:


1300        Okay, lets do this. Going out at 5, so that'll be plenty of time, right?

1340       It's taken me this long to empty just the top shelf. Why do I own so much crap?                 DEAR GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?! No going back now.

1400       Oh HEY THERE, stray kirby grips! Welcome home!

1430       Why do I own 3 cowboy hats? I live in Scotland...

1500       Trying so hard to justify giving away so many clothes with the labels still on.

1545       Found my "Skinny Bag" hiding at the back full of clothes I wanted to keep to try and fit into again, but now looking through them, all my thoughts are just "what were you thinking, Stace? Floral chinos. Really?"

Although, on the plus side- the dress I bought for my 21st is now super big for me!

And that beaut daisy style skirt from topshop I've been keeping for years is now alas, also too big :(

1610      I'm meant to be meeting the girls at half 5 for dinner and I've not even showered              yet. This will have to wait. 

*Skillfully shoves neat piles of clothes to the sides of my room to create a path for me to swiftly exit and begin getting-ready process*

Stage 1 Complete.

Cheeky wee #ootd via Instagram


1030      Okay, I'm up. And no, I'm not hungover, but my room is a mess, WHY IS MY ROOM A MESS?! Oh yes, I remember now. Ok, shower and sweats on. Let's get back to it.

1120     Oooft, gone are the days of babydoll dresses, RIP Youth.

1200     How are there sequins all over my floor?! Where are they even coming from?

1310     I can't believe I'm still doing this. I need a break. Yaassssss, bopit!

*Goes to visit grandparents for food and sympathy, as parents are away out*
(Told you I can't cook)

1600     Delayed hangover hitting. Maybe I'll go for netlfix and chill... OH WAIT, I can't. Unfortunately the clean up Fairies don't actually exist :(

1610     OMG, just found my past papers from high school in a random shoebox! From 2005. Seriously?

1650     Oh wait, it goes further back than that, a letter from my primary 5 teacher.

1800     WHY DO I KEEP UTTER JUNK?! Keyrings and trinkets from exes, beer bottle caps, confetti, birthday cards from each year from every single family member, a bouncy ball?! Give me strength... 

1915    Okay, successfully condensed 6 shoeboxes filled with ticket stubs, cards etc down to 2. Not bad. I'm hungry again.

*Orders chinese and watches Keeping up with the Kardashians. The rest of the clothes clear out can start tomorrow*

Stage 2 Complete



1130     Shoes. Is it still acceptable to wear brogues? I want to try channeling my inner Kate Moss again.

1140     Why do I have 4 colours of Flossy's? I have to narrow these down to at least 2, right?

1210     Oh hiya, clothes I forgot about!


It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!

 "Mary is my Homegirl"... Oooookaaay...

1245     I can actually move hangers in my wardrobe now with ease. The end is nigh!

1320     I'M DONE!!!

Stage 3 Complete


So it's basically taken me almost 3 days, 4 big bags of clothes, books, DVDs and CDs for the charity shop, 2 bags of old clothes and shoes for my wee Granny's "rag bag" at her local Church and 1 bag of clothes to try sell on ebay. 

I am absolutely exhausted but feeling cleansed! 

Stace x