Saturday 12 November 2016

Chillin' in Chiang Mai

*I'd actually dropped it outside the Hostel and it was handed into Reception by another traveller yesterday. Luckily we were waiting in reception earlier to leave for the airport when the staff member enquired whether it was my phone!
I guess praying in the Grand Palace worked! Not only did I pray just for it's safe return, but for the safe travels for myself and Roisin. 

But we have arrived in Chiang Mai for a few days and so far, so good...

We travelled by air from Bangkok, which took roughly about an hour and 10 mins, and it's really beautiful.

It has a much more laid back and chilled vibe compared to the City. After the hustle and bustle of being tourists over a busy 5 days, it's nice just to kick back and go with the flow for a bit before we start our volunteer project on Monday at the ENP (Elephant Nature Park) just outside of town. 
After a deliberation of what type of volunteer work to do while away on this trip, we booked this project through STA a few months ago with brilliant recommendations from people who'd visited or volunteered previously. 
We will get to work with and for rescued Elephants in their jungle sanctuary for a week. 
Both animal lovers, we're really excited!

As for now, we're strolling along the dreamy little side streets with cute,cosy, candlelit bars with wooden shabby chic furniture playing soft, live jazz music.

It's so pretty here. Fairylights strung up around bar and cafe signs and little hanging flower pots from the roofs. 
We had a few cocktails earlier on a rooftop bar, where we spotted the busy Market down below, selling a variety of beautiful trinkets and clothing for a cheap price (and cheaper if you learn how to haggle). 
We're not very good... yet. But there's room for improvement!

I bought stereotypical Elephant print hippy-style trousers and I am sooooo coming back for little fairylight bulbs. I have decided when I buy a house, I'm coming to Chiang Mai Markets with an empty suitcase to fill my home with one-of-a-kind items.
Roisin just wants to learn how to make Roti: Like a delicious fried flat bread stuffed with sweet things like Nutella or Vanilla.
It's honestly more amazing than I just made it sound, I promise. 

ACCOM:  So! Hostel
VENUES: Oasis, Rooftop Garden Bar
              Night Market Bazaar
              The Corner, Restaurant

Stace x

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