Tuesday 8 November 2016

Jetlag is not fun

Jet lag
  1. 'extreme tiredness and other physical effects felt by a person after a long flight across different time zones'.
  2. e.g.,
  3.       "Stacey was suffering from jet lag and needed to rest".

Me: @EdinburghAirport. So full of promise and happy smiles...

After 21 hours of travelling, through 3 time zones and 2 flight changes, Roisin and I finally made it to Bangkok in Thailand.

First impressions?

Not good.

Maybe it was due to the fact I was overtired, overhungry HANGRY, and groggy but our taxi driver from the Airport to the Hostel was not at all pleasant. 

Regardless of us informing him of the address and post code, he wasn't sure where it was and proceeded to roll his eyes and tut like he was a customer complaining to a Manager about poor service. He made me feel nervous, muttering under his breath (of which I can only assume was Thai for "bloody tourists"), huffing and puffing away to himself as if the rush hour traffic was our fault also. 

"Train - 30 minute. Taxi - 2 HOUR!"

He said. 

Oh really, pal? Firstly- I thought you didn't know where the Hostel was and secondly, fancy telling us this now when we're baw deep in taxi's n' tuktuks along the Bangkok version of the M8?!

I glanced at Roisin who was asleep beside me, catching flies. I'm so envious of her ability to pass out anywhere, in any position and still have such a good kip. I'm dying to shut my weary eyes but too aware of the current situation unfolding. This is day 1!!

I vow to myself to get back into PMA Mode (Production Management Assistant- a previous job position where I was basically a glorified travel agent for TV Productions) and produce detailed TI's (Travel Itinerary's) displaying distance, timings and budgets. 
I understand this may be a somewhat, difficult task while backpacking, but to have some sort of rough plan or guide would be ideal, or sensible at the very least. Not that I've ever used that word to describe myself...

Bangkok is dull, grey and rainy just now. Possibly reflecting my mood? 

There were people in the back of vans, legs hanging out. No seatbelts. No safety. No rules. I realise we're not in Kansas Scotland anymore...

There's a lot to take in and a lot to learn, but it finally hit me that we made it. Our new adventure can begin, and I sorta half-smile at the places, people and possibilities that lie ahead. Preferably after a good night's sleep!

Stace x

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