Thursday 10 November 2016

Dude, where's my phone?

So. In "Classic Stacey" fashion, I've only went and lost my phone on day 3 of our trip.

It all started one fateful night on Koh San Road, Bankok...

(Which, by the by, is absolutely positively 100% MENTAL!!!!)

Roisin and I headed out to the infamous street around 9pm last night, thinking we'll have a late dinner, maybe some drinks, when we bumped (literally BUMPED) into 3 excitable Danish guys who suggested we all head into the nearest bar for a Chang (local beer). 

Roisin and I exchanged one of those best-friend-physic-looks, which meant, we really should get dinner and explore ourselves, but it might be fun to start talking to other travellers and maybe pick up a few helpful tips or tricks...

With the gift of hindsight, I'll give you a few now:

1) Don't start drinking on an empty stomach.

2) Don't try to outdrink a 6'8 Danish guy.
3) Don't invite Danish guys back to your hostel who don't live in the hostel. They will be arrested. Literally...
4) all of the above results in losing a personal item, aka, my beloved iphone 6s. 

So. Over a few pitchers of Chang (and buckets. Dear God- the BUCKETS!), some laughing gas, and (courtesy of the classic truth-or-dare) we made a few new travel pals that night. The bar shut earlier than usual, as unfortunately the Thai King had passed away the month before we arrived and out of respect a lot of establishments were closing earlier, or turned the music lower etc. 

We all decided it would be a fantastic idea to get pad thai from a street vendor then invite everyone back to our hostel to continue the party. 

We managed to fit 5 of us in a 2-person tuk-tuk, (see! No rules!), a memory which my snapchat story reminded us that one of the boys was literally hanging out the side the whole way home.

After that, it gets fuzzy. I remember the wee lady from the hostel shouting at the boys in broken English, threatening to call the police. But I'm pretty sure the P word made me dart straight into bed and pretend I had been asleep the whole time, and where I eventually did pass out completely and wake up 6 hours later, rough as. 

Roisin and I laughed about the previous night's events for about a whole minute before I went to my bumbag to reach for my phone, like the true millennial I am, when I realised it wasn't there. 

It wasn't under my pillow.
Or in my bra.
Or pockets.
Where the F**K was it?!!?!??!

I never lose anything, ever ever!! I kept repeating to myself as I scrambled around the bed and the room. In and out of my bags and locker trying to find it. I hunted in the bathroom and reception with no joy.

It was gone. 
In Thailand.
On Day 3.

Which brings us here. Roisin trying to comfort me as I reluctantly email my mother from across the Globe to block my sim card, as it's cheaper and easier to do this from the UK. 

Day 3, Stace. Day 3 of independence and I have to call on my mum for help already. I'm an embarrassment. 
Which brings us to the Danish boys. Who had to bribe themselves out of jail at 6am this morning!

Well, at least we have stories already!

I bought myself a cheapy iphone 5 in the meantime from a stall in MBK shopping mall. Which is this MASSIVE shopping centre and a haven for cheap electricals like second hand phones, tablets and laptops. 

Also, their food court is INSANE! 

Anyways... RIP Phone. God speed in Bangkok!

ACCOM:           Lub D Hostel
ATTRACTIONS: Patpong Night Market
                       Calypso Ladyboy Show
                       MBK Shopping Mall
VENUES:          Silom Village Restaurant

Stace x

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